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Monthly Archives: February 2024

How to eat to reduce “high blood pressure”?

high blood pressure It is often a common disease of people who are getting older. Due to increasing age Food that cannot be eaten to your heart’s content like in the past Reduced energy metabolism from daily activities. and various chronic diseases, but if you can adjust your eating habits It

Benefits of omega 3 for pregnant mothers.

Eating omega 3 fatty acids is beneficial to the health of those who are pregnant and those who are breastfeeding. It may be useful in various areas as follows: Reduce abnormalities in pregnancy Some studies suggest that supplementing with DHA fatty acids  may help prevent premature birth. UFABET Reduce the risk of preeclampsia and increase the

Benefits of “Whole Wheat Bread”

Whole wheat bread is a flour that is recommended to be eaten more than general white bread. There are both benefits and precautions that you should know before consuming. Whole wheat bread is brown bread made from whole or unrefined wheat flour. It is classified as a type of health food