Deadly diseases hidden in fried food and how to eating safely.

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It is undeniable that fried food such as potato chips, fried chicken or French fries are many people’s favorite menus. But aside from the delicious taste and appetizing appearance, did you know that fried foods also contain high calories and trans fats? Therefore, eating this type of food regularly can have negative effects on your health and cause disease.

Deadly diseases hidden in fried food

  • Fried food is a high-calorie food . Especially deep-fried or breaded food, it is full of fat and carbohydrates. If eaten in large quantities or for a long period of time, it can easily lead to obesity. It also results in high blood fat, which increases the risk of clogged arteries or narrowed arteries.
  • Fried foods are a source of trans fats , which are a major cause of heart disease and diabetes, which can lead to many other complications.
  • Fried foods contain acrylamide, a chemical that is produce when food is cook at high temperatures. This chemical may cause cancer cells in the body.

    Although fried food can be harmful to the body if eaten in large quantities or for a long time, its taste and crunchy texture can make many people unable to resist it. Following these guidelines may help you eat fried food in a safer, healthier way.

    Change the oil used for frying. Cooking fried food requires higher temperatures than stir-fried food, so you should choose oil that is more suitable for frying, such as palm oil or animal oil instead of soybean oil, safflower oil, โปรโมชั่น ufabet or rice bran oil. However, you should use the right amount of oil and be careful about cholesterol from animal fat, since the body already receives fat from eating meat. Using 1 spoon of pork fat will give the body about 9-10 milliliters of cholesterol.

    Change the way you fry. You can switch to frying with an oil-free fryer, which is another option for those who want to eat fried food that is safe for your health. The device blows hot air around the food, making the food crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. It uses 70-80 percent less oil than conventional frying.

    Alternatively, baking can be use instead of frying by baking food at a temperature of about 232 degrees. Which will help to make the food crispy even if little or no oil is use.

    Adjust the frying method. If you want to use a regular frying pan, you can adjust the frying method. With tips that will make fried food safer, as follows:

    • Fry using only a small amount of oil, so that there is enough oil to coat the food. And prevent it from sticking to the pan. This method is used instead of submerging the food in the oil.
    • Choose oil that can withstand high heat when stir-frying or deep-frying.
    • Do not use breadcrumbs to coat food as this will cause the food to absorb more oil.
    • Do not use old oil. You should change the oil every time you stir-fry or fry food.