For those who have to sit in front of a computer screen for a long time, after finishing working, they still have to stare at a smartphone screen. If you experience eye pain, sudden blurred vision, eye irritation, or dry eyes, it may be a sign that your eyes are being attacked by blue light from electronic devices, which can lead to macular degeneration and computer vision syndrome (CVS). In addition to blue light that harms the eyes, UV light from strong sunlight is another cause of macular degeneration.

Because we only have one pair of eyes, and at this working age, we still have to use our eyes for a long time. ยูฟ่าเบท will tell you how to help restore eye health tricks for working in front of the screen without eye strain, to take care of your eyes and prevent premature deterioration.
Tricks for working on a screen without hurting your eyes
If you don’t want your eyes to deteriorate prematurely, you should also adjust your behavior when sitting and working in front of the screen.
- Reposition your computer so that the screen is about 20-28 inches away from your eyes.
- The work desk area should have sufficient lighting to make looking at the computer screen more comfortable and reduce eye strain.
- Adjust the brightness of your computer or laptop screen so that it is not too dark or too bright, as this can cause you to strain your eyes more than usual, leading to eye strain or eye pain.
- Adjust the font size to be clearly visible and prevent excessive strain on the eyes.
- Blink more frequently to increase moisture in your eyes and prevent irritation or dryness.
- Wear glasses with blue light-blocking lenses.
How to take care of your eyes from computer screens
Rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking into the distance: When using a computer or using a phone screen for a long time, you should rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking into the distance. Looking into the distance will help reduce the strain on your eyes that are being used too much. Staring for a long time can also affect your health in other ways, such as headaches, tearing, blurred vision, and dry eyes.
Rest your eyes by closing them still for 5 minutes: When your eyes feel tired. Closing them is another way to relax your eyes. Keeping your eyes closed for 5 minutes can help relax your eyes from prolonged use.
Change your screen working posture and position: Posture and posture. While working are another factor that affects the use of eyes. Sitting too close can cause dry eyes from exposure to light from a screen that is too bright. Or sitting too far away from the screen causes the eyes to strain. While reading or working, which can cause headaches from straining the eyes. Or adjusting the posture of looking at the screen to look up at the screen can cause eye strain.
Use a damp cloth to compress your eyelids: Using a clean, damp cloth and applying it to your eyelids while closing your eyes for about 2-3 minutes. Will help relax your eyes and relieve fatigue from work, which can help relieve eye strain and eye pain.
As we said, you only have one pair of eyes. So taking good care of your eyes is something you shouldn’t neglect. For those who have to work in front of a screen for a long time. Don’t forget to try following these suggestions. And it would be a good idea to go for an eye check at least once a year. So your eyes will be healthy and stay with you for a long time.